Life doesn’t always go off without a hitch. Nonetheless, if you know how to apply ancient knowledge appropriately, you still can achieve success as expected.

The Link Between Ancient Knowledge And Modern Civilization
Although today’s science has brought many inventions, new philosophies, it is rarely known that many of us have had our roots since ancient times in history.
Because of this, many valuable lessons from ancient knowledge are the basis of our successful applications in life and other areas such as astronomy, arts, physics, and literature, etc…and especially in lifestyle, and daily behaviors. In fact, our lives today are made out of ancient knowledge and will be handed down for many years to come. It is not for no reason that many folks and proverbs of our forefathers have been handed down to this day or teachings in books have been handed down and applied so widely.

Indeed, our daily lives are still regulated by ancient principles: The principle of attraction, The causal principle, The balance principle,…and there are numerous models who are successful because of the understanding and application of these principles in life.
Lessons From Ancient Knowledge Changed The Whole Civilization
The most prominent and well-known are:
1. The Lesson On “Emptiness”
This concept holds that the characteristic of each thing is non-existent (emptiness, which cannot be defined by any concept). By understanding emptiness, we will know how to control our emotions, reduce our baggage, greed, demands, and intentions to control anything and everything. We will also learn to let go of things that cause us emotional pain.
This is also one of the outstanding lessons from Diamond Cutter – DCI Vietnam, which gives us the experiences to become kind, successful, and happy people.
2. The Lesson Of 4 Causality Principles
We have heard about Causality quite a lot, but it all stops at the level of knowledge. To be able to really understand and know how to apply the Causality in daily life is not easy at all. With the knowledge from Diamond Cutter – DCI Vietnam summarizes for us 4 very straightforward Principles of Causality:
– An apple comes from an apple seed: Whatever you want, sow it. If you want to be loved by many people, plant love.
– Small seeds grow into big trees: You will always get more than you give.
– Having sown will surely reap: The good things you receive, or the sorrows you are carrying, are the cause of the seeds that you have sown.
– You cannot reap what you didn’t sow: If you wish for something, but do not sow the seed in it, you cannot receive the fruit.

3. The Lesson From 10 Good Deeds
From time immemorial, we have often heard about cyclical causality such as not picking up things that do not belong to ourselves, stealing other people’s properties lest you lose more later, divisive gossip will be slandered by others later. … Causality in life has rules and is operated according to 10 good deeds.
– Protecting lives
– Being generous
– Respect relationships
– Telling the truth
– Saying meaningful things
– Saying words of kindness
– Bringing people together
– Rejoice in the success of others
– Empathize with others
– Correct worldview

Diamond Cutter – Understanding The Root Of The Problem To Get Through The Barrier
Diamond Cutter – DCI Vietnam has long been a familiar name to many people when it comes to the application of ancient wisdom in daily life. Based on ancient knowledge from the Diamond Sutra with the age of more than 2500 years, Diamond Cutter is a typical example of applying ancient knowledge to overcome difficulties and barriers to bring people to life. Learn to deeply understand the root causes of all problems in life, direct people to positive things, identify and practice to achieve 5 life goals: finance, health, relationships, peace, and dedication to society. From there, help them find a way to succeed comprehensively and achieve all their goals in life.

This is a program developed by DCI Vietnam Joint Stock Company. Throughout the 6-year journey in Vietnam, Diamond Cutter courses held by DCI Vietnam have attracted more than 20,000 participants across the country with multi-interactive offline and online models. Through the course, students will be able to grasp ancient philosophies and knowledge for practical application in life daily, thoroughly solving all stumbling blocks in life.