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DC.I Level 6: Peeling off our Addictions with the Wheel of Life
Society is growing and worrying about the chaos of life makes us form habits. Sometimes even we ourselves cannot know whether that habit helps us to satisfy or that it is eroding us right from the soul.
What is "ADDICTION"?
- Did you know where the “ADDICTION” comes from?
- Have you ever wondered that your “ADDICTION” affects everyone around you?
- How to end your “ADDICTION” or help your loved one’s detox?
DC.I Level 6: Decoding the Wheel of Life – Helping You Get Rid of The “Addictions” Inside Yourself. Unlike any detox program in the world, DC.I Level 6 is a special program to help you.
- Recognize the “Addiction” of yourself as well as those around you.
- Find a way to enjoy the things you enjoy without having to worry about being “ADDICTED”.
- Retain feelings of happiness and satisfaction but does not adversely affect your health and those around you.

Ways to detox "Addiction"
The old way: stop and stop completely – New way: cure the wrong world view, quit “addiction” can still enjoy what you like.

Determine where "Addiction" comes from
Affirm that everyone has an “Addiction”

Identify the subject of "Addiction"
Substance Addiction – Emotional Addiction – Philosophy Addiction

Definition of "Addiction"
I can’t resist my own efforts – Realize it’s wrong but continue – Hurt yourself and those around you.

Wheel of Samsara
12 spokes (the process of entering the “addiction” addiction) – 5 stages of experiencing
in progress – The story of 3 animals.

4 Starbuck Steps
Use 4 seeding steps according to the Rules of Level 6 – The story of two alcoholic doctors.
Contact now: + 84.936.556.357